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Address:9-4-402 XuCheng Garden,Qiao Xi District,Shijiahzuang City,Hebei Province,China
Post code:050051
Perforated PP
Perforated Plastic Rolls
In additional to perforated plastic sheets, perforated plastic rolls are our newly researched products. The perforated plastic rolls can be used for wild animal protection fence,bird protection grille,gutters etc.
The perforated plastic rolls can be made in HDPE,PP and PVC and its thickness can be from 0.5mm to 1.5mm. It can be perforated into many different designs such as round holes and slotted holes. The width of the plastic rolls can be from 50mm to 1500mm or even smaller or bigger. The length of perforated plastic rolls can be made as per customer's requirement.
We have two CNC perforating machine for perforated plastic sheets,two CNC perforating machines for perforated plastic rolls whose width from 50mm to 150mm and one CNC perforating machine for big width such as more than 150mm.
We have reliable plastic sheet and plastic rolls supplier who have established business relations with us for more than 10 years, therefore, the quality of the plastic products can be guaranteed.
Now,write to us for your requirement on perforated plastic rolls,our professional sales representative will give you a satisfactory solution.